The Side

Jamie’s house suffered from some pretty bad wear and tear from dirt and grime on the siding. This is a prime example of a property that would have been much better served with regular cleaning and maintenance. In particular, you can see the siding below the window is starting to corrode and break down. Regular maintenance can prevent this from happening.

Some of the really tough spots that required some additional attention.
Already starting to look better with some brushing.
Here you can see that the siding is looking almost brand new.

The Front

The front of Jaime’s house was protected by a covered porch, but still had quite a bit of dirt and grime to scrub away. It was looking quite bad when we arrived.

Justin spraying some chemicals to break down the dirt and grime before brushing.
Using a harder bristle brush in this situation, we were able to remove the grime with little trouble.
After a good spray, we were able to remove the unsightly grime from the siding.

Jamie was elated to see the transformation of her front porch. It had become a space she was proud to enjoy during a nice day like the one pictured above.

Unfortunately, the siding had suffered some pitting that could not be fixed by cleaning. Regular maintenance could have prevented such damage from occurring. Regular maintenance of your siding can prevent the costly expense of replacement. 

Overall, Jamie was very pleased with the cleaning that we preformed, and was excited to call us up for regular appointments in the future!

A very happy client, and a very pleased business owner.

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